Framework Sahodaya - A CBSE Initiative

Sahodaya - A CBSE Initiative

The Kanpur Sahodaya Schools Complex was formed in November 2010 when heads of 31 CBSE schools of Kanpur city came together with the objective of pooling systems and resources for renewal of the total educational process. Several areas were identified for Collaboration amongst Schools of the Complex:

  • Educative Management .
  • Human Resource Mobilization .
  • Value-Oriented School Climate.
  • Student Development and Welfare.

The Complex is now well into its fifth year. It has seen a huge increase in membership which today stands at 68. Regular meetings and interactions have greatly helped in dissemination of ethos of the CBSE.

Participation of students in various competitions and activities has helped in grooming extraordinary talent. The staff members too have been benefitted by exchange of ideas in these events.

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